Duke3D logoDuke3D And Dukematch TipsDuke3D logo

Welcome to my Duke3D page. I played Duke3D quite some time and I completed the game... I'll try to help you killing the shit out of the damned monsters of Duke3D (ehem). I won't say tips like: "Press enter when twisting nukes are near the 'NEW GAME' to start a new game" or "Press the shoot button to shoot, use button to use, run button to run and strafe button for strafing.". I'm sure most of you know them.

The best couple: Duke & Tanya (ehueuhe)...
(Both say: "Let's rock", "Shake it baby")
1. Do not go into a room as it is your home. It may be not, look inside from the sides of the door. There may be monsters waiting for you.

Any comments, questions, additions or just wanna chat? Contact me via e-mail.

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